Trixolutions is the only member in the Benelux and France of the Table Group by Patrick Lencioni (CAPA Pro). This uniquely positions us to impart this expertise to our clients.

CAPA PRO means that we have been trained and guided by Patrick Lencioni and his consultants for years in his various models, assessments, insights, and methodologies.


Read more about our connection with Lencioni here.


How does Trixolutions pass on this Lencioni expertise?

We pass on our expertise through our Coach-the-Teamcoach Masterclasses, including the online Lencioni Learning Platform.


Or by directly guiding teams. Our Lencioni experts at Trixolutions have already guided more than 200 teams, utilizing the Lencioni Pyramid model.


Sometimes supplemented with one or more of his assessments (Team Assessment or Personal Assessment) or other successful methodologies related to Meeting Culture (Meetings are deadly), Team Talents and energy sources (The 6 Talents for Teamwork), or Team Member Talents (The three characteristics of an ideal Team Player).  

Who is Patrick Lencioni

Patrick Lencioni is an American speaker, consultant, author, and advisor in the field of team and organizational development. It’s a mouthful, but what it really boils down to is that Lencioni is an expert in team development.


Years ago, he wrote the book The Five Dysfunctions of Teamwork, in which he introduced his pyramid model to the world for the first time.


Furthermore, he has written much more on how to make teams even more effective and successful. For instance, in his books The Advantage or Meetings Are Deadly or his latest success book, The 6 Talents of Teamwork.


What is Lencioni’s Pyramid?

Teamwork is not a given. It’s a strategic choice.


The fact is that teamwork is quite simple - in theory. Most of us know what it takes. But in daily practice, it proves to be somewhat more challenging.


Building a team is a process that requires a great deal of discipline, courage, and perseverance. It certainly doesn’t happen in one day, but for teams committed to working on it, there will be tangible results in a relatively short time.


The significant advantage of Lencioni’s Pyramid is multidimensional:

  • We use the same model and language in all layers of the organization: a common team language.
  • We reuse previously used team models in Lencioni’s Pyramid (Insights, DISC, Enneagram, Agile, Belbin, Lumina Spark, …).
  • It’s a concrete path with an accompanying action plan, not just talk.
  • We can measure and analyze progress. No subjectivity.
  • We complement a journey with intermediate Coach-the-Teamcoach moments.
  • Through us, you can access an extensive Lencioni Online Learning Platform in Dutch, French, or English.


The Lencioni Pyramid shows what distinguishes successful teams from less successful teams and provides them with a clear path to improve team collaboration. The five layers are interconnected, so you need to work on all factors, starting from the bottom, at the first layer - TRUST.


The other layers: engaging in respectful conflicts, a high degree of team engagement, taking and holding each other accountable, and focusing on team results, come later.


TIP: Want to identify where the issues lie? Then use our complete Lencioni Team Assessment, available in Dutch, French, or English. Feel free to request a sample report. Or inquire about the short free assessment for more information here.

Summary of Lencioni's Pyramid

For 15 years, Trixolutions has been working with Patrick Lencioni's models and assessments to make teams and organisations stronger, more effective and more successful. We have already helped more than 200 teams excel, even in difficult changing circumstances.


  • Offline, Online or a combination of both (Blended)
  • Personal coaching
  • Inspirational sessions
  • Workshops
  • (Blended) Training Program

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