Psychological safety is having a sense of belonging. Saying what you want to say. Discussing mistakes openly. Performing fearlessly. Holding others accountable not only for performance but also for behavior. Bombarding employees, colleagues and managers with unrequested new ideas, challenging them to accelerate. All in a positive and constructive work environment.

    But what is the difference between an open and toxic workplace? Why does psychological safety lead to increased productivity, engagement and creativity? How do you recognize signs of safety and insecurity in your own team(s) and organization? How does psychological safety contribute to inclusion and innovation, those other two pillars of a resilient organization? And how is psychological safety connected to autonomy, feedback and social support?


    But most importantly, how do you create a climate where your employees and managers link trust with openness? And are not afraid to make mistakes …


    As a manager, you play the crucial role in creating a safe climate. After all, you are the ultimate role model: your employees look to you, to know the behavioral norms and the unwritten rules within the team. And if you want your employees to be open and - for example - dare to talk about their mistakes, you will also have to make yourself vulnerable. But of course this sometimes clashes with that other role you have to fulfill: the role of “captain” who steers the team in the right direction with a steady hand. But how do you tackle this dilemma? How do you find the balance?


    Psychological safety gives employees a sense of belonging, encourages them to voice their opinions, openly discuss mistakes made and offer promising ideas. It leads to demonstrable improvements in ownership, collaboration, learning, creativity and performance. Don’t miss this program because psychological safety is the foundation of your successful team.


    But the most important part of this workshop remains the practical approach and interpretation in your workplace. How can you ensure a psychologically safe climate in teams, departments and organizations. What is the best place to start? What tools and methods can you use best? What are the pitfalls and what are the success factors? And above all: how can you start from tomorrow - with a customized approach.

    Possible Topics

    • What is Psychological Security?
    • Why is it so important?
    • What are the underlying drivers and building blocks?
    • What are the obstacles?
    • How, where and when to deploy the Psychological Safety SCAN?
    • How to build on the underlying building blocks.
    • Link to “Artificial Harmony”?
    • Bridges with other models
      • Lencioni team coaching model
      • Deep democracy
      • DISC / Insights


    • Offline, Online or a combination of both (Blended)
    • Personal coaching
    • Inspirational sessions
    • Workshops
    • (Blended) Training Program

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